Sunday, September 28, 2008


After sitting tonight, and pondering to myself about the "little" things that have been bothering me lately, which I must say right now, to even complain about things so mediocre makes me look like a fucking prude,yes, there are more important things in life, but for fucks sake this is my damn blog and I can talk about whatever the hell I want. So hold tight, here ya go. I'm going to let ya have it.

There are so many things I have been neglectful about lately and I really need to put my foot down and stop putting up with MY bullshit.


  • Taking out my contacts everynight. Would you believe I have gone MONTHS without taking them out ONCE?! How neglectful for my eyes!
  • Washing my face before I go to bed, yet I have been complaining lately about my small breakouts. Yes, I did say SMALL. It gets late, and I excuse myself saying, Just go to bed. Its alright. NO ITS NOT!
  • Lets not even go into the sometimes "excusing" myself from brushing my teeth before bed either. I mean, I have straight teeth, pearly whites, FUCK IT. but EW! Gross.
  • How I have been saying the day that I moved here that I have been wanting to put my white armoire in the bathroom... Yet it is still sitting in the GARAGE! *roll of the eyes*
  • In the armoire I have been wanting to put all my makeup, all my hair products, hair stuff, etc. And more importantly, I wanted to treat myself to buying nice crisp white expensive towels so that I can keep up with my beauty regime!
  • I bought all these face masks, and even watched a man at the airport DUMP some of them because I put them in my carry on like a fucking retard, and have I used the ones that I have? NO!!
  • My lotion. NO I do not put it on after EVERY shower. Seriously, as I am writing this I am constantly rolling my eyes, and remembering the PRE baby Missy, who would have shuttered to the thought of ALL OF THE ABOVE.
  • The Tea set that I have been stalking on EBAY. The seller keeps putting it up becuase NO ONE is buying it, and its completely a great price, and I know Ill just slam my head on the desk the day I go on there, and its GONE. Told you to buy it! But noooo
  • All the vitamins I bought at GNC, and Children's vitamins I bought for Emma. We NEVER take them. It will be ALL my fault when winter comes, and my kid is sick from Dec-Feb.
  • EXCERCISING. Like, I took a break becuase of my heel, but Its NOT getting any better, and while waiting for IT to heal, I rolled my ankle while in FL, and so I am just going to run my fucking fat off and HOPEFULLY from the lost weight BOTH will heal just fine!
  • Eating better- I need to stop living by my mothers motto- "wait til Monday" and start CARING. Lord knows I obsess over it a thousand times a day ANYWAYS. Its time to put my thoughts into actions and FINALLY lose the weight I have been caring around for the last FOUR YEARS.
  • Going to bed at a reasonable hour. Shit Im writing this and its 4:30 in the morning!
  • Go to bed in my underwear. I havent done that in a YR! Who gives a shit if someone comes down here. this is MY space god damnit!
I am so sick of being so neglectful to myself. This is absolutely rediculous. I want this whole "happy" Missy, but I refuse to take care of the little things that have been poking at me like needles. I need to take better care of myself. Shit, I look down at the fingers that are typing this, and would you believe my nailpolish is CHIPPED. CHIPPED! ME! With CHIPPED POLISH!

Im officially done with my intervention. My face is completely clean, and my teeth taste like the red cinnaniman Crest toothpaste. And YES I took out my contacts, and am WEARING MY GLASSES, while sitting in my UNDERWEAR.

Looks Like We are off to a good start-so here's the next on my list- I am OFF to BED!

The Neglectful,


The Jeffries said...

You are too funny!!!! I think we are all neglectful to ourselves when we have kids!!!

Unknown said...

you and me both girl, you and me both!!!! you have inspired me!!!!

Unknown said...

Girl, I feel the same way.
That is something that I will be really working on once I move. Time for a change and when we move there will be BIG BIG changes!!