Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Edel called.

Edel called today He was talking about how he is living back at our old house... like I care. I swear, he says these things TRYING to hurt me, only I couldn't care less

He wanted to ask me if his gf and her baby were there. I knew it, he kept bringing it up... saying he got his phone service set up at the house, etc.

I only talked to him for like 4 minutes becuase I honestly can't stand him at all.

I am so glad hes not in our lives anymore. I hope he moves on, stays with this girl and her baby. I think its for the best. He is so irresponsible, and just hasn't changed a bit. I can't worry about him, or his life anymore. I feel like he only calls once in a blue moon becuase he feels obligated to, but really, I wouldn't mind if he just stopped.

He is like a kid, he will sit, tell me his problems, act like he cares about mine, and I am just like, "can I please just let you go? Emma doesn't want to talk and neither do I"

I just wish he would go away. he's like a fly that you can't swat. He's always around when you don't want him to be, he's annoying as all hell, and he makes me disgusted.