Tuesday, November 11, 2008


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Living in a Standstill.
It's not working.
at all.

I am just waiting til you figure that out as well.

Sometimes we are in stand still situations. Your just waiting the the better to come along, or that spark to be there. The light at the end of the tunnel. The next best thing. Isn't that what we do our whole lives? Are people ever truly happy in the present? Sure there are things and people who make us happy, and thats just alittle taste of what we strive for; what we live for. We all want the happy magical ending. We live for it, we keep our hopes up for it. We know we will get our big break soon.

Faith is what consoles us. Gives us a hug when we have doubts. Faith gives us an option. An option for a good outcome. It gives us that possibility for better.

Then, if we are disappointed we can turn it back around to say, maybe I don't understand things right now, but maybe it will bring me to happiness, maybe its just taking me on an extra route for it. We hope for better. We hope for a great outcome.

Love always seems to find a way. When you do what you love, you become happy. When you find someone who makes it worth getting up everyday for your life feels like it has meaning finally. It's When you love someone with your whole heart, your whole soul, knowing you wouldn't even think of giving them up for all the world. When you refuse to let go; or live your life without them. When you will FIGHT for what you love, whether its a person, job, belief, whatever. You will fight til the death for it.

I hope the situation I am in finally subsides. I'm ready to make the choice. I'm ready to reach the seperate paths, and start walking on just one of them. This road I am on right now is very uncertain, bumpy at times, and definitely lonesome. I want it all. There are many options. Two complete directions- Maybe even three. I'm ready for it.