Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Early Morning- All I wanted was an effing Long John!

My dad came downstairs early today (5AM) becuase their dogs were sleeping with Lexi, and I guess Lexi took them outside when its FREEZING outside, and they started crying (stupid of her ) Anyways- so he came downstairs (the dogs acting insane RUNNING down the steps making TONS of noise) to put them in their kennel, turned ALL the lights on, waking me and Emma up, and getting Belle all upset. Belle didn't know what the heck was going on, but she was at the door by the time he got there and was ready to charge ANYONE who would open it lol

Anyways- After all this there is no possible way for me to go back to sleep, so I went over to the livingroom area of the basement, got on SM, and of course was followed by Emma shortly after. lol

I ended up just offering to take Andrew and Lexi to school. I wanted to stop at the doughnut shop becuase I have been promising Emma for weeks that we would get doughnuts one morning, but we have been sleeping in later than usual, and after 10 the doughnuts are gone.

I ask Andrew and Lexi if they wouldn't mind leaving the house ten minutes early so that I could run in real fast (without having to take Emma inside) and my brother refused. He threw a hissy fit (hes a FRESHMAN in High school! ) and was like "YOU CAN WAIT TIL YOU DROP ME OFF THEN GO TO THE DOUGHNUT SHOP" I was like, "You are ready. Why can't we just leave now?" he refused, sat in his room and wasted the ten minutes watching infomercials.

I seriously could have punched him. What an ass. Here I am, going out of MY way to even take them to school, and he refuses to do a favor for me. Its not a huge deal but It is. Why the hell couldn't he just make my day a TAD bit better by cooperating?

Emma doesn't even care if she gets to pick out her doughnut inside the shop. I always buy an assortment (dozen) and she picks from like 5 sprinkled. No biggie.

Since I have gotten my lap top I have let him use my desktop computer. Ya, pretty sure he wont be getting online today, I just put a password protector on it, which really sucks becuase his Xbox broke, and has been shipped to microsoft leaving the electronic gamer nerd NOTHING to do *evil laugh*

HAHA! REVENGE is sweet!

Me and Emma went to get the doughnuts and they didn't have much of a selection by 8am even. I was pissed becuase they didnt even have the kind I like

o well. Here are some pics of the ones we did get, not that Ill eat them... sadly my brother will probably be the one to enjoy them

For those of you who haven't read my blog before, My mother owned a doughnut shop for a few years when I was younger, my grandma ended up buying it from her, so needless to say I haven't really liked doughnuts at all. For the past 20 years I have only ate sprinkled doughnuts, maybe ONCE if that a yr. About 2 months ago I thought I would get out of my box and try something I would NEVER try, a long john.. with pudding.

YUM it was like HEAVEN. So today I just wanted to get one. Just one. lol and that didn't happen. __________________