Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Your Daily Schedule

How organized are you??

Are you typically organized, or are things kinda just cluttered, etc.?

What is your daily life like? Do you follow a specific schedule?

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I was thinking about this today. Alot of the time we are very carefree around here. Sleep when we are tired, wake up whenever (if I am not working) etc. and I realllllly hate being this way.

I want to plan out a schedule for the week and designate certain times of the day for things. There are so many times I don't get things done, or give any special time of the day to myself.

I think this will be good in all aspects of my life. I can set aside a specific day of the week (or month) that I get all my bills sent out etc. Obviously things come up, and things get changed, but thats okay. I would love to just have a schedule that I can at least TRY to follow.

I would love to designate a certain time for Emma to take a bath at the same time every day (sometimes she takes one when she gets up, sometimes at night, just depending) a time when we will work on her letters, numbers, writing her name, etc. lunch time, reading time, bed time, and so on.

Emma doesn't really have a schedule

Once a week we go to the library, but we don't have a SPECIFIC day. I think Emma needs more structure, and I think I do as well.

When I am working I deal with a schedule (obviously scheduling clients) and I having that structure. Id like to incorporate that at home, and I think it would really work well in my personal life.