Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day- ZOO!

We went to the zoo today! I didn't wear green But Emma did! I started out wearing green, but since it was nice and sunny- 80 degrees, I threw on a dress!

During our trip Emma made sure to point out EVERYONE who wasn't wearing green I kept telling her, "Mommy isn't wearing green either, its ok"

Before leaving

I wanted her to pose with this little man but she wouldn't I think he creeped her out

Red Pandas Snuggling


Tiger- He looked like he wanted to EAT US!

Camels! (Emma cried becuase she wanted to ride them - She had 3 fits- one becuase of the camels, another becuase she wanted to pet the kangaroos, and because she wanted to pet the seals. )

Seashells in the Australia exhibit



I forget what these were called


Pretty Baby

In a tube at a playground there. There were a few playgrounds she played at two of them

This would have been a good pic if she was the only one in it lol



I love seals. They are such neat animals. They remind me of dogs- they sound like them, their faces look sort of like them, and they have a fun temperament.

Playing- two of them are coming up to play with the one we were watching

We went to this park right outside the zoo, it was in between huge oak trees. It was nice to sit and watch Emma play. She played with a ton of other kids, and had a blast. We were there for like an hr.. I loved watching her play, I wish she had alot of kids her age to play with here at home

Thanks for looking- there were ALOT of pics!