Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Blog revamp

I am thinking about doing a whole new blog... changing it up. I would love to have a header with categories, so if you don't care about my food posts, or pregnancy posts you don't have to look at them. hahahaha!

I have a lot of ideas - this blog is a lifestyle blog. I talk about my likes, dislikes, my average day, my kids, my career, I want to get into hair & makeup, home life, budgeting, couponing, etc. if you haven't noticed I live live two separate lives in one.

On one hand, I am family oriented Mom. My kids are my life. Truly. I enjoy cooking, projects around the house and parenting.... When it comes to parenting styles- I am sort of in the middle of the road. We cloth diaper (sometimes- husband can't deal so we buy disposable as well) breastfeed (Ava has been weaned and is on formula ever since I was two months pregnant), we co slept (until Ava became an escape artist- she now sleeps in her crib) so yeah, pretty much in the middle when it comes to how we parent.

We do what works. The best advice I give new moms is, "Don't ask for advice. Do what works for you, because whatever works for someone else might not work for your family." Its so true. if co sleeping works this week- do it. The second it doesn't work- don't do it. At the end of the day, we try not to kill our kids and we try to make them as less screwed up as possible.

MOMS: bee nice and supportive to other moms.

Ok, I guess I have two hands. Like I was saying, on one hand I try to be #1 Mom and wife. I imagine a life being frugal... I wish I could move my family to a farm and become homesteaders. Yes, I want chickens and animals (My handsome husband would be a hot farmer!!!...)

On the other hand, I am a career woman. I am passionate about what I do.. and serious about it. I love dolling up, wearing heels- jewelry, makeup- the whole 9 yards.. (well, maybe not so much pregnant... but shhhh keep that image I gave you in your head) I love fashion (even though I haven't bought an article of clothing in a few months- WHO WANTS TO BUY MATERNITY CLOTHES? NOT me)

But seriously. The other side of me (the one not farming and making babies) craves the city life. the hustle and bustle. The always new. Making money.. lots of it. the independence.. the empire. I want my own empire.

If you are close with me, you know I constantly battle these two very, very different worlds. Maybe I am a schizophrenic hahaha. I am always trying to find the happy medium of both these worlds. As of now, I am in love with my life. I may always be searching for the next best thing for my career or family.. and constantly climbing this mountain we call life, instead of sitting back and just enjoying it.. maybe that's just me, and who I am.

Always thirsty.

Anyways, thanks for going along with me on this ride. I hope to make this blog honest, raw at times, and informative.

I really would like to make it look more professional, and easy to navigate. I am going to spend the rest of Ava's naptime researching. :)