Wednesday, August 12, 2009

My Library Books.

I got these:

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Exploring the Levels of Creation

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Your Astrology Guide 2009

I am very curious about psychics, and astrology. I know, some of you are thinking "She's Catholic! WTF?" but... I do not believe that it is evil, and believe its actually a gift from God. Some people are just more in tune than others.

Depending on how you practice, I think it could be wrong. I have had premonitions on things myself, and I am not worshiping the devil, etc. Some things just come to you. I truly believe you have an angel following you (or spirit guide as some call it) and some people get their messages through them.

Anyways, so I haven't really liked this Sylvia chick, but I thought I would read alittle bit of her book to see her thoughts on things.

As far as horoscopes.. I believe when you are born, etc. does have something to do with who you are. It might be an environment thing, but either way, its fun!


I read alittle bit of the Sylvia Brown's book. She says spirit guides aren't the same as angels. Interesting... but the book is sort of boring to me. lol I am glad she is Christian, but so many things she wrote contradicts Christian views.

Anyways... The horoscope thing was DEAD on- kind of freaky HOW dead on it was.