Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Homemade Dog Food
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Single Motherhood
I was reading a facebook status of a friends, when I saw someone comment something degrading/looking down upon single mother parenting.
This really bothered me. I am a single mother, and I don't feel like Emma has been a deprived child. Yes, having a "family unit" is ideal, but can't a woman swing this by herself? Emma has male role models in her life (my dad, my brother) and has the family unit. My family is really close. The only thing Emma complains about missing out on is having siblings.
This breaks my heart ... shatters it actually. Is it normal for me to want more children, but not necessarily want a husband? I feel so sure about having another baby, but when it comes to tying the knot I am turned completely off. Whats wrong with me?
One of the people I look up to is my grandfather. He is such a great man. He was a single dad and has made his children his life. Once us grandchildren came along he made us his world too. He has lived a very fulfilling life without getting remarried.
I can see myself doing that. I am independent. Career driven. I'm selfish. I like being in control. My child is my life. My sister may argue that children eventually will leave you. Did I mention she has none? I know someday I will have an empty nest. I realize that.
People might see me as "alone"... but I don't feel it. Maybe this is a phase. Maybe I will fall head over heels, get married, and giggle at this post one day. Maybe I don't know the difference, because frankly, I have been single for most of my life. I was with someone who was never there, and then dated men whom I didn't even live in the same state as. Am I a commitment phoebe, or have I kept setting myself up to be with people who weren't 'there'? Maybe me wanting to never get married stems from something even deeper.
I'll let you know what I find out.
Wintery wonderland
Yesterday, the news said we were getting a huge snowstorm! So of course stuff like this gets me and my Mom all hyped up. The thought of being completely snowed in excites us!
We went to the store (being the squirrels we are) and picked up a few things before the big storm. I snagged some Koolaid Jammers for $1.50 a piece! The store had them marked down to $2.00, and I had 50cent coupons so I ended up getting three.
Rotisserie chickens were on sale too - $3.99 a piece, so me and my mom got 4 of them. Good deal :)
After picking up Emma from school the snow started to fall. They told us we were getting anywhere from 5-9 inches! We went over to my moms, and ate Mexican Pan, and tamales. At night we played Sequence, and drank champagne.
Luckily, Alice and Belle were with us, so we decided to just stay at my moms (who lives two doors down from me) and worry about digging out in the morning. I think Camille was happy to have Belle and Alice's company. Of course Emma didn't have school today.
Once we were home and all cozy, and settled I a heated rotisserie chicken for lunch. I decided to make chicken soup with the left overs.
Did I mention we haven't had cable for a week? And the fact that it is reallllllly killing me not to have it? I thought I wouldn't miss it much, but the truth is- I have a few shows that I am withdrawing from, and will probably be calling Comcast sometime soon to get it back. FAIL. We don't spend a whole lot of time watching tv, we are always playing, doing crafts, cooking, something.. but television is something I enjoy when I am winding down after getting Emma to bed, etc. One of those guilty pleasures I guess.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Turkey :)
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Dinner Date
New Years... New Year.
I haven't posted alot, I've been feeling alittle disconnected lately. I am very happy to start a new year! Firstly, I want to mention some of the things I am thankful for!
- Emma! I am the luckiest woman on this planet, becuase I have the most beautiful, smart, funny little girl! She is my life, and I don't want to even think of what my life could have been like without her in it. She has saved me in so many ways, and has made me such a better person, and has really made me strive to achieve more goals than I had ever planned for myself before!
- My home! I am so thankful to God that he has given me the opportunities in life to make it possible for me to provide a home for Emma. I love my beautiful house; somewhere for Emma to grow up, and for us to make memories together!
- My family! I am so thankful that I have such a great family! My parents are always there for me when I need them. My siblings mean the world to me. My grandparents are the best!
- Friends! I miss my friends dearly. I am so lucky to have great friends who truly care about me <3