I know that I havent been blogging lately, but I thought I would catch up some with pics of whats been going on the past few weeks. Hold on tight, PIC OVERLOAD!
Last week I woke up as Betty Crocker. Ok, Maybe not- I was just pretending to be her. Really, I made crumb cake (which by the way takes HOURS to make) and Bean soup... Again, that took ALL day to make too!
It was delish!
We got some fresh farm eggs one week :)
One morning I woke up to this cute face:
We went to the Mall, and Emma jumped on those really cool trampolines that make you jump 20+ feet in the air. She had so much fun!
We went to lunch- at 54th Street...
We drank so many Shirley Temples ... probably 5 each. They were good.
and caught a movie: How to Train a Dragon
We saw it in 3d- it was a great movie! On the way home we talked about what OUR dragons would look like, and what special things they could do. Needless to say it ended up being a "Well my dragon is better than yours becuase mine can do this.." fight.
We had a picnic on a rainy day in the livingroom.. We read Little House On the Prairie (btw, we are reading Laura Ingalls Books, which Emma LOVES! We are on book 2!) Emma loves these books. She is so fascinated with living without electricity, toilet, water, neighbors, etc. She loves listening and always stops and asks questions during the book. I love it. I love reading these books to her becuase I loved reading them myself as a child.
One day we went over to Feldmans and saw baby ducks, turkeys, and chickens! Emma fell in love, and I swear we were there about an hour and a half looking at them! I wish I could have gotten some!!
Some of them were injected as eggs with food coloring, and they were teal, pink, and yellow. so cute!
Emma and Andrew got into a fight.. literally Emma threw the controller at him when she lost at a Nintendo game. To apologize, she made him a card. Too cute! She was sorry!
I also one night hung out with my good friends Mallory and Brandon, and their friends