Sunday, May 31, 2009

Banana Jam!

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My mom had lots of bananas, so she decided to make banana jam!

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I have never had it before now. It is soooo yummy. Emma loves it with her peanut butter sandwich!

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Tomorrow me and my Rose are going on a picnic!

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We will go to the park. I plan on bringing a book, or something else. I really need a relaxing day outside :) I am excited. I think I will pack fruit and cheese or something.

It will be fun!!

Working in Westport

I absolutely love the feel of Westport. It is really trendy. I work downtown Westport- an awesome location.

here are some cool things near me.
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there are tons of vintage shops, yummy eateries.. hookah bars, coffee shops... tons of unique shops, lofty apartments..older homes... I love it.

call me 1999,

but I am in love with braiding my hair.

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1999 did call- and they are willing to let me have the braid again!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Our Salon's Mascot

Meet Hank.
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He is Teri's dog (our massage therapist) and I am in LOVE with him! :)

He is our salon's mascot.
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Looking at my appointments " Come in Missy has some openings! "

Monday, May 25, 2009


Emma is so good at drawing!
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She made this ! I am so surprised how well she drew this!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hanging out

We aren't going tonight to the fireworks :( My car is like BROKEN now lol

Saturday, May 23, 2009

playing around...

I clipped some extensions in Emma's hair today- She thought she looked like a mermaid! lol

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Oh no- what have I started? =/

I have started doing this little "surprise" thing for Emma. I feel really bad about leaving her during the day, so I always try to come home with a "surprise" whether it be gum, chocolate, gummy bears, SOMETHING.

Well, today it was a doughnut
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This habit could get pricey. =/

I had to go to the police station today for my report...

......and this is what I saw under "Who we are looking for"

(you can't see the sign, its cut off)
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I thought it was hilarious considering I live in a town with less than 5,000 people.. we don't even have a stoplight, but yeah- I'll keep my eye out for him! hahahha

Friday, May 22, 2009

love this.

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Celebration at the Station

On Sunday we are going downtown Kansas City to celebrate Memorial Day!

They let off fireworks over the Lincoln Memorial! Its 90 min, they have orchestras playing, and everyone sits out and watches at Union Station!

This is going to be fun! You sit, eat, and just relax!
Here are some pics from previous yrs:

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I can't wait!!

I think it might rain, so if it does, we probably WON'T go, but I am keeping my fingers crossed!!


Today I had 3 services done! One style, and two haircuts (walkins!)
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I have a few things booked for tomorrow. I have done alot of advertising, via facebook, and advertising sites.. as well as pass out fliers, coupons, etc.

PHEW! It will pay off! I can't wait to rake in the $$$ !


I got this for tonight!
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I HATE Tom Cruise, but I heard it was good so I am going to watch!

Got in a little... Fender Bender :(

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and its going to cost me $800. :(
(Allstate is paying $2300! Thank goodness for insurance! lol)

I am alittle ticked about it, and yes, it was completely my fault! hahaha


I turned and cut someone off. OOPS!

Nothing is More Sticky...

than a sweaty kid eating icecream! hahaha

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Emma has been out all evening playing- and finally got dessert! She will be needing a bath here soon lol

My salon!

Long overdue pics!!

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This is the main room (its located downstairs) We will be covering the wall in vintage art

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We still have a ton to do - we have had a pinstriper come in and graffiti the walls too- which looks AWESOME!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Whats for dinner.

I had strawberry shortcake lol

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it was soooo good.

Emma's Library Picks for the Week

Alice the Fairy
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This was SUCH a good book!!

No, David!
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Emma really liked this one too!

The Perfect Nest
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My work

I had my first day today.

It was fun! :)

Here is the salon:

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Downstairs (part of the salon)

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(entry way)

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Leading downstairs

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Receptionist area, just the wall.
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Sunday, May 17, 2009


Me and Emma made an Icecream run!!

She had Dirt Icecream (cookies and cream, oreo, chocolate sprinkles, worms)

and I had chocolate icecream with bananas and strawberry
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Did Some Hair Today..

I did my brothers hair- and then added some extensions to mine.

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FREAK! haha

A Month Late.

Pics of me and my bestie Ali during my stay in Indiana!

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Saturday, May 16, 2009

taco salad

I made taco salad for dinner.

Here is my brothers :)

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I am stuffed. I even fried those nachos myself.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Love this.

Electric Mist

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Just watched it! I thought it was good!!