Thursday, December 31, 2009

our day today... so far.

We are just relaxing today, we are going to the grocery store in a bit. Emma wants to have a "Fancy Nancy" New Years Eve party. I have been invited to a few parties tonight, but I really think I just want to stay home with Emma :)

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Right now Emma is just relaxing, and watching CABLE finally. We got it installed the other day!
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My other lovey.. Belle <3

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I did alot of painting lastnight.

The room in the basement was a teal color, and I have been wanting to paint it since day one!
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Alot of my older things are more contemporary, so it clashes alittle with my shabby chic/french style I want. Everything contemporary has been pushed downstairs. Its more vintage looking if anything, but I really plan to replace everything and have it to my liking by spring.

I love the couch in that room. I have had that couch since I was a little girl. I plan on buying a pretty quilt to put on it, and fill it with tons of pillows, to hide its aging. lol!

I have been on the hunt for window treatments, and ideas for this room. The bathroom I am happy with,  again, the vintage painting will be replaced soon.
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The showercurtain, rug, and shower hooks are Simply Shabby Chic. I love them!!

More pictures of our festivities for tonight later <3

My Loves

I took these the other night before bed.

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Emma always sleeps with Belle. <3

nice night. :)

Even though today started out HORRIBLE (While backing out of my garage I managed to break off my side mirror) tonight ended great.

I painted my downstairs bathroom, and I painted the room downstairs. Then I made two loaves of bread.
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Emma fell asleep at 7:30, so I have been alone most of the night, which is fine; but I have been pretty bored!

Here are some pics from my camera of a few rooms in my house!

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Think I have ghosts? Or just dust in my NEW camera?? hmm...

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here is a small view of my bathroom. I bought those shutters at an antique shop and I use it to hang my necklaces, and jewelry on it. I love it.

My New Location!

I have been transferred to a new location at work! Here is the new one!!

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I am very excited!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Today was busy. We had some giftcards to burn!

Emma got snow pants and snow gloves. She also got pajamas, sheets, comforter, window treatments, and some other random things.

I love her room! I will post pics of it tomorrow. Here are things I got her:

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Very Shabby Chic! :)


Emma found this picture in a box. I can't believe how much she looks like the BOTH of us. Perfect mix.

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She asked to put it in her room :) The picture was taken when me and Edel were in Cancun, When I was VERY pregnant!

.....................Time Flies...

Christmas Week!

Haven't posted becuase I have been soooo busy.

Here is our week wrapped up:

Amanda came! Emma was so excited!! She loves her Aunt Amanda. Amanda took Emma to see Santa :)
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This week we did alot of baking! we made:

Puppy Chow

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Gingerbread Cookies

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Chocolate Covered Pretzels
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On Christmas Eve we played Bingo at Grandma's house.
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Emma won a bunch of times :) She had her own bingo set- Disney Princess Bingo.

Santa came!!
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It was such a great Christmas! Our first christmas in our home!!
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Emma got LOTS of gifts! :)

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She was soooo happy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

cheap cheap cheap!

I bought these on ebay today for DIRT cheap!!

 and these:

in dark grey.

Day off!

Took Emma to see The Princess and the Frog

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it was so good. She loved it!
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Wednesday, December 16, 2009


I got a hundred dollars from work for my employees selling over our goal...

So... I spent it on more matching plates, saucers, and teacups (I have blue and white ones already)

I added to my collection :) I LOVE them!
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it was nice to have some extra cash!

I also bought another rug for my bathroom.

I have like 30 dollars left to spend, so I am not sure what I will get with it :)

Yummy Dinner

Lastnight I made baked Chicken Spaghetti.

It was yummy!

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I coated them with egg, flour, basil, italian seasoning, garlic, and other spices. I put them in a skillet, and poured in some white wine and then cooked them.

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Then I added red peppers, yellow peppers, and green peppers

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then I put it in a pan with spaghetti, the sauce, etc. and baked it with italian cheeses (mozzarella, Parmesan) and then made some garlic bread!

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It was so good!

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Friday, December 11, 2009

Bad blogger.

I have been so busy with work, and the new house that I haven't been online in FOREVER! We finally got the xmas tree up, new things for the bathroom.. I painted my room (dark grey) and Emma's room (pink of course).

I painted the bathroom in the basement, but I HATE it! I will be redoing that soon- its not my top priority at the moment!!

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Here are some pics I have taken the past month:
I got new things for my bathroom! Its like a light grey- I got pretty shabby chic curtains with a rose hooks, and a pink rug.. it looks nice :)

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I went out with my girls from BB! We went out to dinner at a cool gourmet burger place- Blanc.
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I had fries (they had some made with truffle oil!) and I had a turkey burger with avocado and smoked cheese YUM!
Afterward we went for drinks at One80
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and then we went to a drag show!
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I was sang to, sexually harassed, dragged on stage, and even licked. It was fun though!

I love hanging out with my bests :)
 I turned my fireplace on for the first time!! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

It was so nice!! I only had it on for a few minutes though, thanks to my mother for scaring me about the gas.
I made a jello mold!
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It was lime- and very yummy.
This spring my project will be converting my shed into Emma's playhouse.
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I am very excited about this project!
The other night my town's power went out- SUCKED. It was FREEZING outside. Me and Emma camped out with Belle in the living room :)

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We got some snow!!